Recently had a bike trip to Ezhimala., Shajiyettan and me started from Trikarpur on a rainy day. We were in two bikes - one splendor and one enfield.
We started around 11 AM. The first stop was Indian Coffee house at Payyanur where we got some food as parcel. We planned to have lunch somewhere in Ezhimala.
After getting the parcel, we started to Ezhimala. The route was picturesque. The road is along the sides of the river.
The first location we planned to visit is the Anjaneya Statue, supposed to be the largest Hanuman statue in Kerala.
This is on top of the hill. The slopes were steep and splendour was having tough time climbing it in first gear.
We reached the statue. The statue is tall one and as per the details written there, it is around 41 feet tall.
The hill is located in such a manner that it projects into the sea. On three sides of this hill are sea, with pristine blue water. There is a thickly forested area between the sea and one side of the hill. This location is not accessible to normal people. This region belongs to Indian Navy.
The fourth side of the hill is a panorama of vast plains with lots of water bodies. Its a wonderful sight. The view is really mesmerizing. Also there the sight of golden coloured sand of the beach is an excellant view. The sea takes a sharp curve since the hill projects into the sea.
After finishing the lunch, we started the downward descend. The road has sharp turns and the Arabian Sea can be seen below. Its really a wonderful view. Once we reached down, we started straight to the beach. It was drizzling already. We took shelter in one of the fisherman's resting place.
We walked along the beach. There is also a small estuary - the place where river joins the sea. We could see the blue water of sea getting mixed with muddy water of river. Also there is a small harbour kind of thing (Harbour may be too much to describe it, but I dont have any other word). Some 4 or 5 boats were there. Some boats were coming from sea after days catch. Some boats were leaving to sea. On the shore, people were stiching broken fishing nets.
Some boys were angling on the sea. The ease with which they were catching the fishes was amazing. Every 20 seconds each of them were getting a fish. There were using pieces of mathy ('mackeral' - not sure about the translation) as bait.
One fisherman asked whether we wanted some fresh fishes. Since it was time of Navarathri, we thankfully declined it.
We spent sometime watching the actions happening over there. Then we slowly walked along the beach for sometime.
Aroung 4 PM, we started from there. Reached home around 4.30 PM.
Panoramic view of the sea from top of the hill. An island can be seen inbetween the sea and the hill
Picure says all
A photographic experimentation
Infront of the statue
Royal Enfield and the splendor
View towards the east from top of the hill
Me and Jitheshettan
Shajiyettan, me and Jitheshettan
View of the sea shore
Another view taken while descend
Ezhimala in the eyes of foreign tourists: Abul Fida and Marco Polo
Road and Sea shore together
View of the beach
A boat in the sea shore
Shajiyettan and Jitheshettan
View of the coast
Boat returning after days fishing
A person angling alone
Getting into the sea
Fisherman pulling boat to the shore
Fishing nets being repaired
Close view of the net
Flower in the shore
A different view

- End of Journey -